In a recent interview online, one of my colleagues offered a blessing that I believe is perfect for Easter people:
“May God bless you with fearlessness and courage!”
Such a blessing reminds me that Easter isn’t just
a date on the calendar; nor is it a matter of becoming familiar with the
unfamiliar details of the story. Because
Jesus is raised—this changes our reality!
If Jesus is risen, “death” is no longer the end,
but a new beginning. If Jesus is risen, the
triumph is not that of the empire or of the religious leaders out for their own
power. If Jesus is risen, rather than simply
trying to prove it, or believing it—what does this mean for our lives and for
our world?
Jesus is risen.
This is a decisive act on God’s part.
God not only created the world but stakes a claim to the people and
things that live in it. It means that
the “end” is not in doubt but is found in God who is the beginning and the
Jesus is risen.
So, we live in a world that is on its way to becoming what God wills,
even if, in the meantime, it’s hard to tell who or what is really winning. Jesus is risen means God has won.
Jesus is risen.
So, we are people of resurrection, too.
We are given opportunities to transform the lives of others by this
truth that transforms us. Rather than
people who sit on the sidelines, biding our time until the end—we can take up
the causes of Christ in the world and bring the Kingdom of God closer, and
closer. For God to bless us with
fearlessness and courage means to activate us.
Easter is not something we observe, celebrating
for a day or even a season. Rather
Easter is something that we do, or even become.
A resurrected life takes root in the life that is coming, rather than
simply clinging to what we have known. A
resurrected life finds hope in the possibility that the whole world is being
saved, is being transformed, is being made new—and we are a part it. A resurrected life allows us to take up our
journey in new ways, to include others, to be freed from what has been. God blesses us with fearlessness and courage
because Easter isn’t for the faint of heart!
God is winning.
The news headlines don’t see that, yet.
God’s winning never sells. What
it does do is give us life …again and again.
Life is coming. If you haven’t
seen it yet, get ready. Life is coming,
God has said so. Death and resurrection
are just the