Thursday, February 27, 2025

“ Bright Light and Shining like Jesus ”


Dear Followers of a brightly shining Jesus—in our midst,

By the time you’re reading this, it will nearly be Lent!  And to be perfectly honest, it snuck up on me this year!  Lent, of course, is the liturgical season in which precedes Easter, 40 days in which early Christians prepared for baptism and a life of faith in the Church, a time when we as believers and followers of Jesus traditionally undertake spiritual disciplines such as prayer, fasting, studying of scripture, feeding strangers, assisting those who have been victimized, standing up for justice and righteousness.  Lent is an important season which serves to recall us to practice what we believe. 

Another Lenten word is praxis.  Praxis comes from a Greek word meaning, “to do.”  Lenten praxis means “doing Lent.”  So, rather than think about Lent as a season, a time that comes and goes—instead, it’s a call to be doing and practicing our faith.  It’s why we often talk about participating in practices of “giving up things,” which is an ancient way of understanding how to make MORE ROOM in our lives for the works of faith. 

…So the question becomes, “What are you doing for Lent?”  As in, choose your praxis! 

Again, traditional Christians are encouraged to pray, to fast, to study God’s word, to participate in feeding, in sharing, in helping, in standing with, in lifting up …goodness and kindness and mercy and many other virtues.  Again, traditioned believers will be clamoring to be visible witnesses to what they believe, by practicing faith, and being the embodiment of the work and witness of God’s Kingdom as witnessed in Jesus. 

…Have I talked you into “participating” yet?  Because you can’t “do Lent” while sitting down!  Or being quiet, or sticking to yourself.  You can’t be a part of the movement, shake up the countryside, learn how to walk on the Way, seek forgiveness or be forgiven—by keeping it to yourself.  …It’s not like Advent! 

Advent was about waiting and watching, hoping and ringing in the season of God’s love.  Lent?  It’s about challenging and changing what we’ve always done.  It’s about picking up where we’ve left off.  It’s trying again to bring the Kingdom of God to bear on our lives, remembering what it means to embody a resurrection! 

What will you praxis this Lent?  How will you show the world what you believe about Jesus Christ?  Where will you show up and be the Kingdom’s work, and with whom? 

Don’t be afraid.  Even if Lent snuck up on you, too—it’s not too late!  It will come to you.  The Spirit will help make it known for you.  Just don’t sit still. 

We will celebrate the beginning of Lent on Ash Wednesday, March 5th. 

Palm Sunday is April 13th. 

We will celebrate Maundy Thursday on April 17th. 

And Easter is April 20th. 

Lent, is all the time between Ash Wednesday and Easter Sunday.  Make it count. 


Jesus shone God’s light on those who were in need, not to make it public, but to reflect the rays of God’s action.  Jesus is still the light of the world.  We are the reflections of his light.  Let your light shine before others. 

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Preaching on the 7th Sunday After The Epiphany--February 23rd, 2025


You can hear an audio recording of  the second scripture reading and my sermon entitled, 

“ A Good Measure  

being preached, by CLICKING HERE.

Check out the First Presbyterian Church of Camden, Arkansas' Facebook page here:

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Preaching on the 6th Sunday After The Epiphany--February 16th, 2025


You can hear an audio recording of  the second scripture reading and my sermon entitled, 

“ A Great Crowd of His Disciples  

being preached, by CLICKING HERE.

Check out the First Presbyterian Church of Camden, Arkansas' Facebook page here:

Sunday, February 9, 2025

Preaching on the 5th Sunday After The Epiphany--February 9th, 2025


You can hear an audio recording of my sermon entitled, 

“ When E. F. Hutton Talks ...  

being preached, by CLICKING HERE.

Check out the First Presbyterian Church of Camden, Arkansas' Facebook page here:

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Preaching on the 4th Sunday After The Epiphany--February 2nd, 2025


You can hear an audio recording of  the second scripture reading and my sermon entitled, 

“ What's He Come Out To Do?  That's What I'm Here to Find Out!  ...Wait, What's He Saying?  

being preached, by CLICKING HERE.

Check out the First Presbyterian Church of Camden, Arkansas' Facebook page here: