Friday, September 19, 2014

So my heavenly Father will also do to every one of you—Forgiveness

This last Sunday, Jesus presented believers with a parable about forgiveness.  Peter had asked Jesus, “How often should I forgive?  As many as seven times?”  To which Jesus responds, “Not seven times, but, I tell you, seventy-seven (or seventy times seven) times.” 

The Family Circus cartoon had a famous strip where the kids mistake “trespasses” in the Lord’s Prayer for “trash-passers.”  So let’s imagine that Peter’s neighbor has been “trash-passing”—or at least dumping garbage on his front lawn.  So Peter asks, “How many times should I forgive my neighbor?  Seven times?” 

He may really be asking, “How many times to I have to endure this before I call the police or take him to court, or seek some other intervening action?” 

But I take Jesus’ response to indicate something like this in response to Peter’s query: “You have to forgive your neighbor so many times it’s simply not worth keeping count.”  For some—for many, and perhaps for all of us—it’s simply too much.  Indefinite forgiveness?  Forgiving so many times?  That doesn't sound fair. 

But I take Jesus’ point also to mean this.  Let’s say you are really aiming to forgive someone seventy-seven (or seventy times seven) times.  How long down the list of required forgivenesses before Jesus’ call to “forgiveness” begins to change your life?  And more importantly, how long before that call of “forgiveness” changes other people’s lives—especially those who are being forgiven? 

In Jesus’ parable that was a part of last Sunday’s gospel lesson, forgiveness applies to monetary debt.  Someone is unable to repay a debt and the rules say simply that the indebted person can be imprisoned until he or she can repay the full amount.  It will mean being separated from family and in fact, make it nearly impossible for the debt to be repaid.  Debt causes much suffering. 

Jesus’ teaching is that “forgiveness” is the rule of life—not indebtedness.  He shows this by the mercy that is conferred on the indebted man; a gift that is not shared.  The one forgiven refuses to forgive.  It’s supposed to be a transformative message for those of us who have been forgiven in Christ. 

To put that to the test, let’s consider that once again, highly paid athletes are in the news for behaving badly—in fact, it’s beyond bad behavior, it’s violent reprehensible behavior against women and children.  At this time Ray Rice of the Baltimore Ravens and Adrian Peterson of the Minnesota Vikings are in any number of hot seats, from criminal charges to suspensions and outright firings—and justifiably so.  And while there’s been outrage over the NFL players, there are similar circumstances surrounding U.S. Women’s soccer star Hope Solo—but without the same kind of punishment. 

Forgiveness?  I’m not exactly feeling it. 

Jesus, one time seems unbearably difficult—let alone seven times.  And seventy-seven (or seventy times seven) times?  Forget-a-bout-it! 


“Forgiveness” is not saying—“everything’s OK.”  Forgiveness is a two-way street; it means accountability; it requires the desire to be forgiven as well as the desire to forgive; it means owning up to what was wrong; it means a high desire to change; it suggests that reparations must be considered; it is not simple; it is hard, hard work.  And to say we’re not exactly up for it is surely to put ourselves at great peril.  While we may think we do or will sleep better at night holding out for extreme punishment and reparations, Jesus promises us that forgiveness is the path that leads to life. 

People argue all the time that it’s being “tough on crime” that helps criminals know that “crime doesn't pay.”  But Jesus argues that it’s by way of forgiveness that we find true life.  It’s the road of forgiveness that demonstrates time and again that we are not lost forever, but that we can be found.  We are not abandoned and left out, we can be restored.  It’s a powerful witness that demonstrates that “crime doesn't pay.”  It’s the ultimate witness that God claims us even when we have made mistakes.  It’s the reminder that mistakes aren't the last word about us.  Instead the last words can be that love, hope, and joy prevail—and the greatest of these is love (to paraphrase the Apostle Paul). 

And what better words for us.  Not because some more highly paid athletes are in trouble or appear to in some ways get off the hook of true accountability or that women and children are still victims.  The word on the street is that it’s forgiveness that prevails, that forgiveness leads to life, and we’re involved in it and LOVE is winning.  

But only if we’re truly involved in it.  Forgiveness.  Seventy seven times (or is that seventy times seven times). 

In the case of the current NFL scandals, I can’t say as I know exactly what “forgiveness” looks like.  But I’m certain that we should be endeavoring to seek it out.  Forgiveness doesn't exonerate the perpetrators; forgiveness doesn't mean it’s OK.  But forgiveness is one of the signs that the Kingdom of God is truly loosed in the world.  And that: IS. OUR. CALLING! 

So it means we have to be practiced—not at fear and retribution, but forgiveness and love.  And Jesus is just seeing to it—by rule.  Forgive seventy-seven (or seventy times seven) times and we’ll be on the pathway of life. 

© Rev. David Stipp-Bethune; Teaching Elder and Pastor, The Presbyterian Church of Llanerch, Havertown, Pennsylvania

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Some Other Fun Things to Do… WITH YOUR MONEY!

If you don’t have a Facebook account (or use other social media) it’s possible that you avoided seeing all the videos of people pouring buckets of ice water on themselves, challenging family and friends to take the “ice bucket challenge” by making a video and making a donation to help ALS research.  

Over the course of several weeks, I’ve been the unfortunate witness of a plethora of videos of people pouring ice water on themselves.  And while it’s true that some of the homemade videos were creative, fun, and even funny, I found them all just silly.  At one point, more people seemed taken aback by several celebrities who took the opportunity to make videos of themselves, writing checks for ALS research, then using an ice bucket to put ice in a drink—thus avoiding the uncomfortable and humiliating “challenge” of withstanding a bucket of ice water dumped over their heads. 

Thankfully, when I saw this cartoon this week, I felt like I was finally returned to some sanity about what truly matters.  Because while so many “first-world” people were accepting challenges to take ice water and pour it over themselves, so many in the world are truly suffering.  It turns out, those buckets of ice water are for the rest of the world a wasteful, gluttonous display afforded only to people (US) who by comparison are super-rich.  As this cartoon suggests, there are plenty of people who have to work so much harder for their buckets of water in order to sustain daily living—and we haven’t even begun to touch the realities we “first-world people” foist upon the rest of the peoples of the world whose land is destroyed in pursuit of all the metallic resources needed to power our smartphones, computers, and i-pads used to make the videos in the first place.  Nor the fact that pouring buckets of useable water is wasteful for so many people who don’t have access to clean drinking water who don’t even share the benefit of seeing the amusing videos of us “first-worlders” WASTING what is to them PRECIOUS WATER! 

Plus, there’s this.  While surely this created a lot of publicity for the cause of ALS research, the hard truth is that what ALS research needs more than that is the actual dollars to fund it.  In other words, we could have taken all the “costs” to waste water and produce those videos and poured it into ALS research; or, we could simply be dedicated, passionate supporters of ALS research and written checks because someone we knew and trusted asked us to—no silly, wasteful video required. 

To make a difference, we don’t need opportunities to dump ice water on ourselves.  The best way to show our mettle is to respond to what we believe and know by supporting the things we believe and trust can change lives for the better.  What matters isn’t a public spectacle, but personal conviction.  What matters is not that we take pictures of ourselves doing silly things, hoping a kind of school-yard dare will get more people involved.  What matters is that we are convicted by what we believe and choose to be actively involved by sharing what we have.  What matters is participating with God in making the world a better place by emulating God—by giving like God gives. 

There are many causes that matter to me; some of them I am able to financially support and others I’m not.  The list of things that matter to me is long, and it’s tempting to believe there isn’t ever enough money to go around.  I believe and trust what God says to us—that there is enough and for all; we all still have to be committed to giving it.  And people are drawn to giving, not because we’re dared to pour ice water on our heads and make a video of it, but because we are asked to give.  People give because when they hear about what’s important to us, they will want to join us—or not.  Passion and faith drive our giving.  Not dares. 

So I’m asking (not daring)—don’t make a spectacle of giving.  Make a gift! 

And here are some places where your GIFT can make a big difference (and none of them require or desire you to pour ice water over your heads before or after you write the check, or press the “donate” button, or place your envelope in an offering plate!). 

Rev. Kate Taber recently shared an update from the Middle East.  Her story includes an opportunity to give directly to a hospital in Gaza where we can provide help to victims of recent violence there.  Check out here story HERE

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance provides help and relief in times of disaster or hardship—both natural and human-caused hardships.  PDA has an almost instantaneous response, but in order to respond, they use donations to help prepare the way—before disaster strikes.  Giving before, during, and after disasters is important.  Check it out HERE

Now that school has begun, classes have resumed at our Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) theological seminaries.  Theological Education Fund of the PCUSA is the only denomination-wide funding source for our PCUSA seminaries.  Our seminaries prepare church leaders—valuable to have on the ground in churches (in communities) when hard things happen.  If you think pastors have valuable input in places like Fergusson, MO, or Sandy Hook, or who open sanctuaries in times like 9/11—then our seminaries deserve your support.  You can find more information about TEF HERE

And if you those problems are bigger and larger, or if you have concerns about a large denominational apparatus and how much money may or may not be used as a part of “overhead,” you can always fund the ministry and mission of a local congregation—in your community or elsewhere.  The congregation I serve has financial challenges we’re facing.  You can check out what we do, and even make a donation to our ministry via Paypal using our website.  You can get to our website by clicking HERE

Don’t just dump a bucket of ice water on your head.  Make a gift.  Fund a ministry.  Change the world. 

© Rev. David Stipp-Bethune; Teaching Elder and Pastor, The Presbyterian Church of Llanerch, Havertown, Pennsylvania