Monday, December 4, 2017

Advent Monday Birthday

It’s the shortest ADVENT we’ll ever have.  Three weeks and a few hours (if you believe that bit my pastor-father always cited on Christmas Eve that “Christmas” begins at 4pm on Christmas Eve because 4pm was the rule by which the vigil could be observed and “count” if you were Catholic).  And by that count, with this year’s Advent starting so late, its almost already been crushed by the world around us whose Christmas-intensity has already burned bright and hot.  Christmas was already 50% off before Thanksgiving!  Black Friday has come and gone and—have you noticed!—even the sales got better post-Black-Friday.  They’re making shelf-space for Valentines Candy.  It’s almost like Christmas is being skipped! 

So, more than usual, I think, every single one of these Advent days this year will be precious! 

Still, I keep reading my newsfeed. 

2 apocalyptic moments: The University of Arkansas is hiring a new football coach (those in power are disappointed when we fail to win the most games; apparently a solid academic program for athletes, a record of good behavior, and being untarnished of NCAA violations is worthless in the face of not having won enough games.  Thus clamors the worldly wisdom that winning at life is not enough winning.)  And of course, we’re finally waiting to hear if the slow legislative season in Washington can be bested by charges of presidential impeachment, for something, sometime, somewhere, somehow—that will quickly spin the world into chaos and turn the 24-hour news cycle into a “breaking news story” that can interrupt network television programming reruns (Hint, there are so many Advent holiday parties that no one is watching anyway!). 

In fact, we all have better things to do. 

Fears about what the new, recently-passed tax proposals might do to some of the poorest people in our nation should not subdue or subvert the reality that RIGHT NOW, so many people are suffering. 

That the football coach is often the highest-paid state employee cannot be allowed to alter our focus from the ministry of the one who comes to challenge lifestyle choices with Kingdom promises (The ones with the most toys do not win!). 

And whatever happens in Washington, D.C. today won’t diminish the news that in our community, a nice, older couple’s home, neighbors to our building superintendent at FPC El Dorado, burned to the ground in the early morning hours this morning. 

THIS Advent Day is also my birthday. 

A gift of a little more transformation, please! 

Let the light and love of Jesus shine on you, in you, through you. 

Light YOUR candle of light and hope (there will be more than enough already on my birthday cake). 

Choose for this day to be precious—for there aren’t many of them. 

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